A simple way to raise an event from a webcontrol to the host aspx page in c#
1. Ok, in your web control at the top define the bubble event:
public partial class webcontrols_rightnav : System.Web.UI.UserControl
#region BubbleEvents
public event EventHandler MyUserControlEvent;
#endregion BubbleEvents
2. Next in one of your web control functions etc raise the event:
if (MyUserControlEvent!= null) //i.e. the host page is subscribing to the event!
//raise event
MyUserControlEvent(this, e);
3. In your host page...
Add the event handler:
rightnav1.MyUserControlEvent += new EventHandler(DoSomething);
4. Add the function to handle the event in the host page
protected void DoSomething(object sender, EventArgs e)
** important - one thing that catches me out is putting the ...+= new EventHandler(DoSomething); code in a !IsPostBack piece of code - this will only then fire on page load, which is probably NOT what you want!
...Hope this helps!